Who’s the girl?

Adopted from South Korea, raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and currently residing in Philadelphia, I’m discovering a life worth living through blogging, writing, cancer advocacy and savoring the small bursts of joy.

While teachers and college professors can prepare you academically for the real world, no one can prepare you for real life and those single-handed experiences that shape your life – the moments that either make you or break you.

My best friend and I co-founded a nonprofit organization, Run 2 Inspire, as a way of giving back to our community and all the women who have been affected by HPV and cervical cancer.  Cervical cancer is nearly 100% preventable and I truly believe that no other woman should have to endure the emotional and physical pain that I went through with cervical cancer.

I’m a Gen-Y young professional who has conquered the Quarter-Life Crisis, the loss of both parents, and cervical cancer.  Every single one of those moments broke me, but somehow I managed to survive and I’m inspiring others to continue fighting for everything they want in life because I believe it’s the only real way to live. We all deserve a life worth living and only you can define what kind of life that will be.